Today I was reminded of God's love for me. Yes, I haven't really forgotten that and it is something I can easily say, "God loves me". But to truly know and understand His love for us means all the more, and will deepen your relationship with Him. There is depth to God's love-- so wide and big that we as humans could never understand or fathom.
When you think about God's love never leaving you nor forsaking you, do you believe it? Like, really really believe it? Even in those darkest hours, in those lonely and scary moments, God is with you. He was there and will always be there.
Nothing you can do or say will change God's love for you. He chose you to be here on this Earth, in this time, at the exact place you are now. You have purpose, you weren't just created by accident or by random. He chose you and is so in love with you-- always was (before you were created) and always will be.
It can sometimes be hard to believe all that, right? Because we are so used to man's love. One moment someone loves you, the next they hate you. People so easily cut other people out of their lives, that they once had loved.
I heard TD Jakes once say, "People fall in and out of love, like they fall in and out of their clothes. People fall in and out of love, like people fall in and out of bed".
It's hard for us to trust in love...because really, man's love is not guaranteed. And that's scary.
You have to have faith in God's love for you. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. He will NEVER not love you or fall out of love with you. He will NEVER abandon you.
I'm so glad that God's love is nothing compared to man's love, aren't you? Man will always fail us, not meet our expectations and leave us disappointed. The same cannot be said about God.
How true this is and a very difficult, painful lesson to learn.