Do you ever feel you are too stressed? There are some days where I just feel the stress of my day and life overwhelming me. As a stay-at-home, I think our lives are expected to be peachy keen and there should be no struggles. After all, we get to stay in our pajamas all day, lounge and binge watch tv shows, right? WRONG!! I know every stay-at-home mom's situation is different, but I think we all have a lot on our plates, plus we're raising little ones who sometimes fight us and can be quite a challenge to handle.
I personally have two children, one is 8 years old and the other turns 5 years old in May. My oldest is "homeschooled" by attending a public charter cyber school so we have school work to accomplish Monday-Friday, plus I am currently a part-time online student working towards my bachelors in Psychology: Christian Counseling. On top of school for my daughter and I, I of course have household duties to keep our home clean and in check, laundry to do, and I'm always taking one of the kids to a doctor's, dentist, allergist or some other type of appointment.