21 September 2012

Whole Chicken in Crock Pot~ Falls Off The Bone!!

This way of cooking a chicken is perfect for when you want a whole chicken, but don't want the oven on for a couple hours (in the summer when it's hot) and when you want chicken falling off the bone!

Now, my whole chicken was 4 1/2 pounds. I took out the neck and insides and saved those for my gravy. I cut up a whole onion and placed them on the bottom of the crock pot. Next I put my whole chicken in the crock pot with NO WATER. This may seem weird at first, but your chicken already has retained water and you will still get plenty of broth. I added minced garlic, salt, pepper, and paprika. You can add whatever spices/herbs you want.  Here's my chicken...

I had my crock pot timer on for 4 hours, but it ended up only really needing 3 1/2 hours on HIGH. I have read that other people put their crock pot on high for a 3-4 pound chicken and it need 4-5 hours, so I was expecting for my chicken to take longer. I guess my crock pot is strong? You could also put the settings to low and  and cook for around 7-8 hours I'd imagine. Perfect for working moms/wives to turn on right before they leave in the morning for work and then it will be done when you get home. For the first time doing this I would recommend keep a close eye on it after a bit to see how long it actually takes for your own crock pot.

This chicken literally falls off the bone!! It's super moist and perfect to eat just is, or to add to soups or whatever you want! The only thing, is if you like to eat the skin, it is going to be a little rubbery, so you would want to peel off the skin and put it under your broiler in your oven for a little bit for that crunchy texture! Enjoy!

Loves his Peas & Green Beans!

So as I posted before, my little boy loves his cereal, and now peas & green beans!! With our daughter I started her out on Cereal and then bananas which was a HUGE mistake! She hate veggies for such a long time, even carrots!! So this time with my son and I decided veggies were the first to eat and hopefully even after introducing fruits he will still like his veggies. I don't know when I'll introduce fruit yet, but do want to start making his baby food now that I know the consistency of what Stage 1 is.
Does anyone know what's going on with Rice?! Arsenic in rice.....sooo should babies not eat rice cereal right now? Or maybe limit it to once or twice a week? I think I need to make a phone call to my son's doctor. Not sure if having him eat another grain is better for now? Maybe I can see about introducing oatmeal? Although that may be to early for a 4 month old. What are you other mom's doing about rice cereal?

16 September 2012

Mom's Monday Mingle (Blog Hop)

Welcome to Mom's Monday Mingle

Mom’s Monday Mingle

Last week we had 255 moms ready to mingle!

If you could help promote, Mom's Monday Mingle through facebook and twitter that would really help. Thanks for helping promote. It really does help make this hop a success and bring new moms to meet and network with.


1. Please follow each hostess. They are 1-4 in the list!

Naptime Review-Hostess

At Home Take 2- Hostess

Little Becky Homecky-Hostess

Mystery Host

We do FOLLOW back and we really love all the comments! If you are new let us know and leave your blog address so we can return the follow ;)

2. Try to visit at least 4 blogs that interest you. Just don't throw your name into the link up, hoping to gain followers. Participate, make friends, and have fun! I know I have made a lot of great blog friends ;)
best yet!

3. If you are the selected "Mystery Host." Please grab the code at the bottom and host this hop on your blog as well. Also, please return follows!

Thank you and have fun networking and meeting new friends!

11 September 2012

Baby Boy Eats Cereal ~ Success!

I cannot believe my little "big" boy is already 4 months old! I've decided to start him on cereal once a day and see how he takes to it. He is always so hungry and a big boy in general, so I want to see if he's ready to start eating cereal. My biggest concern is gas and constipation since there is iron in his cereal and formula. Anyway, today I mixed 1.5 oz of warm formula and a little less than 1 tsp of cereal. At first he was a little mad and irritated that this was not his bottle and wondering what the heck the spoon was for! The whole time he was fussing, but LOVING the cereal haha, it was actually kinda funny! Only a few times in the beginning did he push his tongue back out, but after that he surprisingly didn't do that!

I'm going to do this once a day from here on out and see how he does and then increase it to twice a day. Once he's mastered cereal and doesn't have any tummy issues I want to start peas. I have my own baby food making kit which I'm really excited about! With my daughter I didn't make her food, but bought it. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just want to make my sons food this time. It won't have preservatives and will be cheaper in the long run!

How long did you feed your baby cereal before introducing baby food?

Here's my big boy and his first time eating cereal! Really not that messy!! :) He has some on his forehead though haha

10 September 2012

Mom's Monday Mingle (Blog Hop!)

Last week we had 246 moms ready to mingle!

If you could help promote, Mom's Monday Mingle through facebook and twitter that would really help. Thanks for helping promote. It really does help make this hop a success and bring new moms to meet and network with.

1. Please follow each hostess. They are 1-4 in the list!
Naptime Review-Hostess
At Home Take 2- Hostess
Little Becky Homecky-Hostess
Mystery Host

We do FOLLOW back and we really love all the comments! If you are new let us know and leave your blog address so we can return the follow ;)
2. Try to visit at least 4 blogs that interest you. Just don't throw your name into the link up, hoping to gain followers. Participate, make friends, and have fun! I know I have made a lot of great blog friends ;)
3. If you want to be considered for next week's "Mystery Host," Please tweet, facebook and put the button on a post. Email Julie for consideration! Thank you for making this hop the best yet!
4. If you are the selected "Mystery Host." Please grab the code at the bottom and host this hop on your blog as well. Also, please return follows!